
英国日(广州场)British Day 2023 Guangzhou

Sat, 25 Nov 2023 11:00:00 GMT+08 ~ Sat, 25 Nov 2023 17:30:00 GMT+08


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    Guangzhou British Day 2023 Countdown: Four Days to go! A cannot-afford-to-miss outdoor family carnival in autumn: crazy hat competition, British food and intriguing games!

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    2023 广州英国日倒计时 4 天!秋季绝对不能错过的户外亲子嘉年华:疯帽子大赛、英伦美食、趣味游戏、礼包大放送!

    Guangzhou Session:

    Date & Time: 11:00-17:30, Saturday, 25th November  

    Venue: Outdoor Garden, Shangri-La Guangzhou, No.1 Huizhan Dong Road, Haizhu District, Guangzhou

    Dress Code

    Casual / Comfortable / British / Crazy Hat


    时间:11 月 25 日 (周六)11:00-17:30



    休闲 / 舒适 / 英伦风 / 疯帽子

    *Please ensure the correct session when you register! Tickets refunds are only available 24 hours before the event begins and you can download the huodongxing APP to refund yourself.


    扫码进入 2023 广州英国日 H5

    Scan to Enter H5 Page

    Event Information 活动信息

    Date & Time: 11:00-17:30, Saturday, 25th November  

    Venue: Outdoor Garden, Shangri-La Guangzhou, No.1 Huizhan Dong Road, Haizhu District, Guangzhou

    Dress Code

    Casual / Comfortable / British / Crazy Hat

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    时间:11 月 25 日 (周六)11:00-17:00



    休闲 / 舒适 / 英伦风 / 疯帽子

    Event Agenda 活动流程

    Traffic Guide 交通指南


    广州香格里拉 (地址:广州市海珠区会展东路一号广州香格里拉户外花园)

    Self-drive/Taxi (Suggested GPS to get to the venue):

    广州香格里拉 (地址:广州市海珠区会展东路一号广州香格里拉户外花园)


    琶洲地铁站 A 出口,到站后乘坐的士(10分钟)


    Exit A, Pazhou Metro Stop and take a taxi afterwards (10 min)

    Ticket Guidance 取票/购票指南

    *Floor Plan 

    (Red star: Ticket Selling & E-Ticket Exchange)

    How to buy ticket?

    You can buy tickets both online and offline. 

    Tickets refund are only available 24 hours before the event starts and on Huodongxing APP.

    Fee: Standard Ticket RMB 35 | RMB 20 for kids below 1.2m | Free for infants

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    票价:标准票 35 元 | 1.2 米以下儿童 20 元 | 手抱婴儿免票

    How to get your print-out ticket with e-ticket?

    1. For a better event experience, please prepare your Huodongxing QR Code and lighten your phone's screen in advance for volunteer to scan your QR Code quickly.

    2. Check-in will require an e-ticket. One ticket for one person ONLY, please do not share your screenshoot of e-ticket to others casually in case of embezzlement. (Please see the graphic guidance to get your e-ticket as follows:

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    1. 为了让大家有良好的活动体验,请大家尽量提前准备好活动行带二维码的电子票页面并调亮手机屏幕,方便工作人员扫码验票。

    2. 现场将以电子验票的形式进行签到。本次活动实行 1 人 1 票原则,请不要把电子票随意截图分享,以免被盗用。(电子票获取指引,如下)


    Please find your e-ticket on Huodongxing WeChat Mini Program or APP, click "取票" to get your e-ticket (registration QR code).

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    请在活动行微信小程序或 APP 中找到您的电子票(购票二维码),点击“取票”即可查看您的电子票。

    3. After successfully checking in with e-ticket, registration volunteer will give you a print-out ticket. Please keep your ticket properly, as it is the only proof for your multiple entrance and exit. Feel free to take an event brochure for more tips at British Day.

    4. Weather Forecast: Sunny, 16°C~26°C.

    5. Dress Code: Put on your crazy hat and your cozy clothes. We look forward to seeing you at British Day!

    6. BritCham reserves the rights for the ticket selling, e-ticket exchange and onsite details.

    * If the event needs to be rescheduled due to pandemic prevention or other reasons, we will work closely with all relevant parties. We appreciate your patience and support. 

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    3. 电子验票成功后,签到处的工作人员会给您兑换纸质票。门票为多次出入的唯一凭证,请务必妥善保管。请取阅英国日活动小册子,获取更多活动详情。

    4. 天气预报:活动当天预计晴朗,气温 16°C~26°C。


    6. 广东英国商会对售票、电子票兑换及活动细则拥有最终解释权。

    * 如因其他原因活动需要改期,我们将积极和所有相关方联系协调,请给予我们耐心和支持。

    Live Photo 图片直播

    At Guangzhou British Day, we will have photographer to capture the lovely moments. 

    Please scan the below QR Code to obtain live photos and share to your friends!

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    Event Highlights 活动精彩亮点



    Fish N Chips, Shepherd's Pies, cocktail & wine

    Pop along to British Day for a chance to experience all these delicacies!

    A Fusion of Food 美食大杂烩

    Special Delicacies for British Day Guangzhou广州场“特供”美食

    Fish N Chips


    Pistachio Baklava




    British Hot Dog


    & Various cocktails, wine and beverages for your choice


    Fun Activities 精彩活动等你来玩

    Ceilidh Dance


    Bagpiper Performance


    Crazy Hat



    Fun Family Sport Games


    Fun Activities


    Live Band Performance


    Stage Performance from International Schools


    Tug of War


    *Agenda is subject to change


    How to Participate in British Day In-Depth?



    Simple, Fun "Crazy Hat"


    Dear chums, brace yourselves for the quirkiest spectacle at British Day this year – our splendid Crazy Hat Competition! It's the grand opportunity for you to showcase your zaniest, most eccentric headgear creations and vie for marvelous prizes.

    Whether you're a crafty whizz or just itching to flaunt your unique style, this contest is tailor-made for you. Prepare to turn heads and make a sartorial splash, for the nuttiest hat shall cart away some jolly good rewards! Don't be a wet blanket; make sure you're part of this rip-roaring event. Join us in the merriment of British Day, and let's create memories to cherish! We can't wait to see your creative and daft hats, so save the date and be there, old chap!

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    Guangzhou British Day

    Crazy Hat Prizes Announced!

    Adult Group

    1st Prize: 

    Executive Suite With 2 Breakfasts Coupon, valued at RMB 2,188, sponsored by China Hotel

    2nd Prize: 

    KORIN Snapback, valued at RMB 799, sponsored by Designest 

    3rd Prize: 

    Meal & Ice Cream Voucher, valued at RMB 200, sponsored by MADO

    Kids Group

    1st Prize: 

    Voucher of Wok Too Cafe Dinner Buffet for Two People, valued at RMB 1,162, sponsored by Shangri-la Guangzhou

    2nd Prize: 

    Neighbor CF Ground F&B Voucher, valued at RMB 598, sponsored by Guangzhou Zhuoshi Engineering Construction Co., Ltd

    3rd Prize:  

    Meal & Ice Cream Voucher, valued at RMB 200, sponsored by MADO

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    Fun Outdoor Games


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    Bob The Builder's One-hit Hammer Game

    This is a game for 20-50 people to participate at one-time. Each team is competing against one another to run forwards, pick up a hammer, and try ONCE to hit a nail into a plank of wood. Whether they succeed or not this one time, they put the hammer back on the ground and quickly return to the back of the line to try again. The game continues until one team successfully hits all of the nails in (or 4 minutes has passed)In the final round, the children and parents will be moved to separate sides. The children will have wooden mallets to use and the adults will have comically small hammers. The children’s side will hilariously and unsurprisingly win to great triumph and applause.

    Tug of war

    The "Tug-of-War" is one of the traditional activities from the Scottish Highland Games, which is held in Scotland every spring and summer. In previous years, adults and children from various background teamed up for a tug-of-war. 

    Each kid who participated in the game will be awarded with souvenir.

    More interesting games to be announced, stay tuned!

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    Kid's Passport


    Kids between the ages of 2 and 12 who participate in British Day will be given a special passport.

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    By completing tasks at designated booths, they can obtain stamps on their passports, and once all stamps are collected, they can exchange them for an exciting surprise gift.

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    参加英国日的 2-12 岁的小朋友可以在活动当天于签到台处领取一份儿童护照

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    Charity Raffle


    BritCham Guangdong is always committed to supporting charity. This year's British Day, BritCham Guangdong will support "Shining Star". Not only we, but also you can make contribution to charity by purchasing the raffle prizes. Proceeds from the raffle will go toShining Starto support left-behind children education. With your help, we can help those kids get more chances to live a better life.

    Raffle Prize Award in Previous Years

    About Shining Star

    This year we are colloborating with Shining Star Organisation, a charity founded in 2017, by a group of girls who could finished high school education because of the supports of the scholarship program. Now they are returning to their community and is dedicated to set up mental health lessons for the left-behind kids, and offer scholarship to girls like them to complete education. Your generous donation will support and work with Shining Star to provide more education chance to the people in need.

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    今年英国日,我们将与星爱公益Shining Star合作,共同支持慈善。星爱公益是2017年一群曾经接受资助的贫困学生创办的广州本土公益组织。现在他们回到自己的家乡帮助乡村留守儿童的心理健康教育和贫困女生完成高中教育。

    Get Raffle Tickets, Support Charity & Win Prizes!


    Come and buy your raffle tickets at the BritCham Guangdong's Booth (No.42&43) or Shining Star's Booth (No.0).

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    Prize List 大奖清单


    Live Band Performances


    How can a lively outdoor event live without some wonderful live band performances?

    This year we are presenting to you two exotic bands in two regions, bringing you the best experiences.

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    Easy Tiger

    Easy Tiger are a 4-piece international Rock band from Guangzhou, China. The band formed with this lineup in 2022 from a collection of musically like minded musicians who met through the Guangzhou music scene and who all just couldn't get enough 60's soul, 70's hard rock, punk and funk. Their unique brand of entertainment fuses catchy riffs and groovy rhythm with walls of harmonies and high octane performances that will make you want to go straight to 11 with them.

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    How can a lively outdoor event live without some wonderful live band performances?

    This year we are presenting to you two exotic bands in two regions, bringing you the best experiences.

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    Easy Tiger

    Easy Tiger 是⼀⽀来⾃中国⼴州的四⼈国际摇滚乐队。他们由⼀群在⼴州热爱⾳乐的⾳乐⼈组成,乐队在 2022 年以这样的阵容成立。他们都对 60 年代的灵魂乐、70 年代的硬摇滚、朋克和放克乐情有独钟。他们独特的⾳乐⻛格融合了朗朗上⼝的弦乐和欢快的节奏,以及和声墙和⾼亢的表演,会让你不由⾃主地想和他们⼀起直到表演结束。

    Co-Creators 共创伙伴

    Thank you to our co-creators!


    Gold Sponsor


    We're a private British international school in Guangzhou with a high reputation for academic excellence and a proud member of the Nord Anglia Education group of 87 premier schools around the world.

    Our school is home to over 1000 students representing more than 50 nationalities from Early Years to Secondary. At the British School of Guangzhou, we follow the English National Curriculum and motivate our students at each step to be ambitious and achieve more than they ever imagined possible.

    Our highly experienced teachers take personal approaches to teaching, so they identify and cultivate your child's aspirations, needs, and interests – so they're supported to perform at their best. In sync with academics, our teachers build your child's character through many activities that energize their spirits in and beyond the classroom.

    At the British School of Guangzhou, we're proud to enable your child to explore new horizons and develop a love of learning, following the successful paths of British School of Guangzhou alumni who have attended the world's leading universities.

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    在广州英国外籍人员子女学校,我们将激励您的孩子开辟新的视野、建立浓厚的学习兴趣,沿着众多 BSG 校友跻身世界顶级学府的成功足迹一路向前,对此我们深感骄傲。

    BBSG is located in Panyu, the transportation hub of the Greater Bay Area. Just a 10-minute drive from Guangzhou South Railway Station, and a short distance from Hong Kong, Shenzhen and other major cities in the Greater Bay Area, the school covers all age groups from kindergarten to high school. Its campus spans over 100,000 square meters.

    CTF Education Group and Benenden School in the UK, a top century-old UK independent school, are the strategic partners in support of BBSG. Through its "Future-Ready Complete Education", the school is preparing students to be future world ready while providing both Chinese and foreign students with a premium bilingual education.

    The school's curriculum follows the Chinese National Curriculum and also features extended subjects such as STEAM, AI for humanity, language and culture, art, sports, theme exploration and other signature programmes. BBSG will open its doors in September 2023, and enroll primary and junior secondary students in its first year.

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    学校携手战略合作伙伴周大福教育集团、英国百年私立名校博耐顿(Benenden School),以“全人教育”为理念,让孩子为未来做好准备(Be Future World Ready)。我们立足粤港澳大湾区,为中国籍和外籍学生提供卓越的双语教育。  


    The ISA International Education Group (ISAIEG) was founded by senior education experts, educational leaders, principals, and education directors from many of the world's leading international education groups. The ISAIEG strives to build a multi-cultural ecosystem of international education; nurturing leading talent and pioneers for the future.

    At present, the ISAIEG has three campuses with full property rights and 12 schools/programmes in both Guangzhou and Wuhan, including four international schools (ISA Tianhe, ISA Science City, ISA Liwan and ISA Wuhan International School), two K-12 ISA Wenhua Schools (ISA Wenhua Liwan School and ISA Wenhua Wuhan School) and an ISA Senior Years Programme cooperated with Guangzhou Foreign Language School (Guangzhou Foreign Language School ISA Wenhua IB Diploma Programme).

    ISA attaches great importance to the growth of every student, and provides students with diversified curriculum and customized pathways to university including CNC, IB, A Level, AP, DSE, JEE, Japanese Programme, International Arts etc.

    ISA schools have now attracted over 2,500 students from families of Fortune 500 companies, foreign consulates, and chambers of commerce as well as families who aspire to promote cultural integration from more than 50 countries and areas. The ISAIEG is an international education institution with the largest investment scale, along with the largest number of students among the top international schools. ISAIEG has a high degree of internationalization and the highest concentration of foreign talents in the Greater Bay Area.

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    爱莎关注每位学生的成长,为学生提供多元化、定制的出口方向。我们的课程和升学出口涵盖中国国家课标、IB、A Level、AP、DSE、港澳台侨联考、中日课程、国际艺术课程等。


    Silver Sponsor


    Guangzhou SCA School is an Affiliate to Singapore Hwa Chong Family of Schools, and  is the only school outside Singapore to be co-managed by Hwa Chong International School. SCA has introduced Singapore's top educational resources, and focuses on bilingual and bicultural education. The school adopts a 12-year continuous education with primary, junior high and international high school curriculums. In March 2023, Prime Minister Lee Hsien Loong of Singapore visited Guangzhou SCA School and personally wrote a message for the students. This was the only school he visited during his trip to China.

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    广州新侨学校是新加坡南洋华侨中学联属学校,也是唯一一所由新加坡华中国际学校共同管理的新加坡境外学校。学校引入了新加坡先进的师资和国际教育管理经验,致力于将学生培养成为优秀的双语、双文化国际型人才。学校提供 12 年制国际化教育,设有小学、初中和国际高中课程。2023年3月,新加坡总理李显龙到访广州新侨学校并亲笔写下寄语,这也是他此次访华行程中唯一到访的学校。

    Thank you to our supporters!


    About British Day 关于英国日

    British Day is one of the British Chamber of Commerce Guangdong's (BritCham Guangdong) flagship events. Since 2010, British Day has been one of the most anticipated annual events in Guangdong Province. The event has been held for 11 years in Guangzhou and 6 years in Shenzhen respectively, 60+ brands for participation and welcomed 1,000~4,000+ guests each event,  co-branding with media partners with 1,000,000+ online and offline exposure.

    British Day celebrates British culture, offering you a relaxing day with family and friends with fun activities, music, prizes and great food and drink. Locals and other nationalities are all welcome.

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    英国日是广东英国商会的旗舰活动之一。自 2010 年起,英国日就已经成为广东省年度活动中的重要一环。该活动已 11 年成功在广州举办6 年在深圳举办。每届超过 60+ 品牌参与,参与人数超过 1000~4000+ 人,合作媒体、品牌联动,线上线下曝光 100万+


    About The British Chamber of Commerce Guangdong


    The British Chamber of CommerceGuangdong (BritCham Guangdong, www.britchamgd.com) is a membership based organisation in China, helping members with business development through events, networking, introductions and referrals. Established in 1996, BritCham is one of the most active and influential Chambers in the PRD (now the GBA) and has offices in both Guangzhou and Shenzhen, with the ability to serve our members across the PRD. 

    Our mission is to become the most business-savvy chamber in China by providing a platform that supports our members to connect via events, promote through our marketing channels and share insights through industry focus groups. As an integral part of the vast network of British Chambers throughout China, we are focused on providing you with business support, training from industry leaders and elite networking opportunities to grow your business capabilities.

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    广东英国商会(英商会,www.britchamgd.com)是一个会员制的非政府、非营利组织。英商会成立于 1996 年,是珠三角地区(现为大湾区)最为活跃并最具影响力的商会之一。通过组织活动,提供社交机会、 介绍及推荐,英商会充当着公司及个人之间的桥梁纽带。我们的使命是通过提供一个平台,通过活动连接并为我们的会员提供支持,通过我们的营销渠道帮助会员进行推广,并通过行业工作小组让会员可以分享各自的见解。作为遍布中国的英国商会网络的一个组成部分,我们致力于为您提供商业支持、行业领袖的培训和精英社交机会,助力您的业务发展。

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    All Questions

    • Tennessee 1天前

      🙋🥳 超好玩的活动,外国人很多也很nice;主办方各种细节安排的也很合理很细心,真的感觉回到了英国🇬🇧下一年会和朋友继续来的~

    • Hr 11个月前


    • Fion.H💗 11个月前


    • 小鱼儿 11个月前


    • 黑糯米 11个月前


    • 蒹葭苍苍 11个月前


    • Yvonne 11个月前


    • 苑延没有怨言🌻 11个月前


    • Oliver 11个月前


    • 莉莉安- 11个月前




    广东英国商会 The British Chamber of Commerce Guangdong

    广东英国商会 The British Chamber of Commerce Guangdong

    The British Chamber of Commerce Guangdong (BritCham) is an independent international organisation in China, helping members with business development. BritCham has offices in Guangzhou and Shenzhen, with the ability to serve our members across the PRD. BritCham organises many business events from training, seminars and workshops to networking and business referrals events. Established in 1996, BritCham is one of the most active and influential chambers in the PRD.

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